Milà Animation was founded by Alejandro Milà & Octavio Rodríguez.
Milà Animation is made up of Alejandro Milà and Octavio Rodríguez, a studio based in San José, Costa Rica and with deep roots in Barcelona, Spain. We’re not Doc & Marty McFly; the two of us are just the top of the iceberg and our productions make use of the help of professionals from all over the Americas and Europe for both animation and scripts as well as voice acting and sound editing.
We’re a 2D and 3D animation studio that puts the utmost passion, attention to detail, humor, and punctuality into all of our projects. We each have more than 15 years of experience in our respective fields, and in 2017 we decided to join forces to do commercial and artistic productions and to become a global reference point for animation.
In addition to all the talent and experience that we have, we also benefit every day and many nights from having access to some of the best coffee in the world, which is an indispensible aid to the passionate work that we put into our productions.
Alejandro Milà – Barcelona, Spain 1979
I have a degree in Illustration and Design from the JOSO art school (Barcelona).
I’ve spent my whole professional life at ad agencies as a designer who does illustrations and as a freelance illustrator who knows how to tell compelling stories.
I’m an artist, illustrator, and designer, and I’m learning to be an expert at company administration, business building, and team management. Whenever I have a free moment to spare I like to do cool things with 4D Cinema and AfterEffects.
I love comedy and coffee; while Spain will always have a huge place in my heart, I enjoy experiencing the eternal spring of Costa Rica in my day-to-day life.
I’ve been living in Costa Rica since 2011 with Vanessa, my soul mate, and my two sons.
Octavio Rodríguez – San José, Costa Rica 1979
After graduating with a degree in communications from UCR (Costa Rica), I lived in Barcelona for nearly 10 years, where I studied film at CECC and gained professional experience in the fields of editing and post-production work.
5 years ago I returned to my native country to continue animating, cutting and splicing, coloring, creating effects and retouching, as well as to be able to teach everything I know to younger generations of artists at Veritas University and at CETAV.
When I’m not busy doing anything, which happens a couple times a year, I like to take a plane ride and go somewhere to eat at a nice, leisurely pace.